What is chiropractic?

Chiropractic is a primary regulated healthcare profession specialising in disorders related to (but not limited by) the musculoskeletal system (the nerves, muscles and joints).

How can it benefit me?

We are able to diagnose and treat a variety of conditions and improve general health and wellbeing. Chiropractors are well known for being able to help with low back pain and neck pain, but there are many more conditions we are able to treat.

frequently asked chiropractic questions

How does it work?

Chiropractors use a variety of techniques to free restricted joints, reduce muscular spasm and nerve inflammation.

We also provide exercises, lifestyle and dietary advice to assist with this and to improve your overall wellbeing.

Our techniques involve spinal manipulation (commonly known as adjustments) and mobilisation to free up specific areas of the spine, and we also use acupuncture and soft tissue release techniques to ensure you have the best results possible.

What is the ‘pop’?

When we make spinal adjustments, you will often hear a small pop sound.

This is called a spinal cavitation, its simply air being released from the joints.

Does it hurt?

Some adjustments may feel mildly uncomfortable but the majority of the time the adjustments are completely pain free and comfortable.

You may feel (or not) a little achey afterwards especially if it is your first time being adjusted, but this usually just feels like post gym ache and goes away in 24-48 hours.

Will it work for me?

We only recommend care to people we are confident would benefit from chiropractic, typically if your pain is listed under conditions’ then we are most likely able to help.

However even if it’s not listed, it’s still a good idea to get an opinion as it may still relate to the spine and/or we can help in getting you where you need to be.

enquire about chiropractic

Pop us a message and one of our friendly team will be in touch to answer any questions you might have.