
“Lower back pain affects more than a third of the UK population and is the leading cause of chronic pain”

Low back pain is one of the most common conditions we see, however not all lower back pain is caused by the same thing.

Through our orthopaedic and neurological testing, as well as a thorough history analysis, we can help diagnose why you’ve got low back pain, and most importantly how we can help you.

Sacroiliac joint pain (pelvis joint pain)

This pain is usually described as buttock or ‘low’ low back pain. The pain is caused by inflammation of the sacroiliac joint irritating the sacroiliac nerves. Pain can radiate either up into the lower back or down into the buttocks and legs.

Slipped / Bulging Disk

The discs are fluid filled areas between the vertebra of the spine that allows for shock absorption. A disc herniation (slipped disc) is where the fluid in the middle of the disc is pushed out and causes extreme irritation of the adjacent nerve. This is why a slipped disc is so painful and can cause leg pain and muscle spasm. Chiropractic can aid in disc healing and reducing pain, but we may refer to the GP for pain management and MRI referral to assist this.

Lumbar Pain

Usually described as pain in the lower curve of the spine, this is caused by restriction in the lumbar (low back) facet joints causing inflammation which can irritate the nerve and cause pain.


The sciatic nerve is the large nerve that travels from the pelvis all the way down into the foot. Sciatica is pain radiating down the back of the leg and into the foot, it is usually caused by irritation of the nerve either by a joint, disc or muscle.



Neck pain is another common condition we see here at WWC. We understand it can be frustrating, as every day tasks such as driving or simply turning your head can be difficult and very painful.

How does neck pain occur?

There are a variety of different causes of neck pain…

Facet joint irritation

The joints between the vertebra are called facets, these can become restricted and the inflammation caused by this restriction can irritate the nearby nerves and cause pain. Chiropractic can free up those restrictions, allowing for the inflammation to heal.


Whiplash related pain can last for years or even decades after the original accident. The mechanism of whiplash causes the muscles in that area to overstretch and so they often become overly tight and spasm to compensate for this. Not only does chiropractic care help to reduce the spasm and pain, but we also give exercises to help your neck retain its strength.

Disc bulge/slipped disc

Quite rare to see in the neck itself, but like the lower back a slipped disc in the neck can be extremely painful. A disc herniation (slipped disc) is where the fluid in the middle of the disc is pushed out and causes extreme irritation of the adjacent nerve – this is why a slipped disc is so painful and can cause arm pain and muscle spasm. Chiropractic can aid in disc healing and reducing pain, but we may refer to the GP for pain management and MRI referral to assist this.


Often called ‘wear and tear’ – this process causes the joints to become worn and can reduce the movement through the neck. Just because you have wear and tear – does not mean you can’t get better! Chiropractic helps by freeing up the joints as much as possible, as well as reducing any residual muscle tightness and improving motion throughout the neck.



As chiropractors we are not only limited to spinal issues – we can also help with shoulders, elbows, wrists, fingers, hips, knees, ankles and feet!

We have separate orthopaedic routines that we will use to assess the area of complaint to diagnose your problem.

We look at the body by a ‘joint by joint’ approach – which means one area can go on to affect another, a bit like dominoes. For example, if you have hip pain we not only assess the hip, but the lower back and knees to see if restrictions there have caused you to compensate through the hip itself.

This is especially important if you are a sporty or active person.



Headaches and migraines aren’t just incredibly annoying, they can also disrupt day to day life and affect mood. Here we look to treat the cause, not just the symptoms.

Potential causes are…

Nerve irritation

Irritation of the nerves at the top of the neck–these can cause referral into the head and cause headaches or migraines.

Muscle spasm

Muscle spasm – the muscles around the jaw, head and neck can also all refer to headaches.


Dietary – rare, but certain foods can trigger headaches or migraines.

Stress and tension

Stress and tension – stress can increase muscle spasm and inflammation, so often is a precursor to a headache.



Frozen shoulder can be very frustrating as it can limit simple everyday tasks such as putting your jacket on.

Frozen shoulder causes pain and reduction in movement because the shoulder capsule is essentially ‘sticking’ itself to the surrounding muscles. It’s often diagnosed through orthopaedic tests alone, but we can refer you to your GP for an ultrasound if need be.

Chiropractic treatment on a frozen shoulder involves specific techniques to free the capsule from the muscle and allow the shoulder to heal. We also check the nervous system and spine as good movement through the neck and mid back will aid the healing.

Finally, we provide home exercises that you can do to further help the heal and repair.

There are other causes of shoulder pain or lack of movement, and many of those causes are conditions we can help with as well. The examination we do will allow us to differentially diagnose, so you get the best care possible



Tennis elbow is often caused by repetitive movements through the elbow, often seen in builders or manual workers. The cause of pain is inflammation of the tendon that attaches into the bone of the elbow.

How does chiropractic help?
Chiropractic helps by soft tissue release of the forearm muscles, acupuncture to relieve tension and inflammation, adjusting the elbow to ensure more free movement, and giving exercise and stretching advice that you can do at home or at work.


get in touch

If you would like to request some more information, please contact us today
Our team are happy to answer any questions you may have.