What is massage therapy?

Here at Wimborne Wellness we offer massage therapy to allow you to relax and have some ‘me’ time, while also working on areas which require it. Our massage therapists are fully qualified and offer a number of different treatments.

Why massage?

Massage is not just about relaxing, our massage therapists are specially trained to work specifically on areas of muscle tension and built up scar tissue. This relaxes spasm, aids in reducing muscular tightness, and assists chiropractic in nerve healing.

frequently asked massage Therapy questions


How does it work, and what can it help with?

Our sports massage therapists are profesionally trained to work through knots, muscular tension, scar tissue and areas of muscle spasm.

Massage also helps to improves blood circulation, flexibility and range of motion of the body.

Massage can help reduce tension through your body, relieving areas of tightness and pain. It can help improve your posture and help you feeling relaxed and mobile. It can also help with relieving everyday stress, improving sleep and aiding your general wellbeing.

Does it hurt?

During some points of the massage there may be levels of discomfort or pain, due to the level of muscle tension and aim of the massage. This is normal, but our massage therapists will always check in on you to make sure the pressure is right for you.

Will it work for me?

Here at Wimborne Wellness Centre, we only ever recommend massage if we think it is right for you.

Can I have sports massage if I am pregnant?

Lisa, one of our SMT's, is specially trained to be able to massage pregnant women.

You must be at least 12 weeks pregnant and not suffer from gestational diabetes and/or high blood pressure.


enquire about massage therapy

Pop us a message and one of our friendly team will be in touch to answer any questions you might have.